Our Approach
Not A Catalog
Our approach embodies Islamic principles of “Ihsan” and prioritize quality over quantity especially when it comes to founding a family. Having a catalog to pick your spouse from, can be an attractive option when there are no alternatives. Our approach saves you time, and offers you the opportunity to see a little more than just a profile picture.
Privacy Is Priority
We make your privacy our priority. Because our approach is based on knowing you and helping you grow as we explore different compatible matches together, only our coaches have access to your personal information and will only share it if there is a need to facilitate a new match. If you are a private person who doesn't like to have a public profile on matrimonial sites, this service is for you.
All About Human Interaction
We offer you the opportunity to interact with real people not with a web page or AI boot. We connect you directly with your match and you won’t have to deal with fake profiles. Human interaction also means that we get to know you personally and can provide you with personalized help.
Know What You Want
To know what you want you need to know yourself. Our coaches will take you on a discovery journey of the self. We believe that successful marriage requires hard work as any success in life. With our coaching methods, we provide you with tools you can implement to build a successful marriage.